
finding your creativity

Right now I am reading a book I happened upon at B&N last week. I have seen this book on the soulemama website and thought about getting it, but was weary of the feeling of incompetence that I may get from not being the "super mom", that this mama seems to me. But I was wrong and so far I am really enjoying this book. I often have this nagging thought of "slow down, watch them be kids", and this book is all about that. It is not a list of impossible, frustrationg projects, it is rather a reminder that all the creative imagination we can have is already inside us. Our kids are the reminders, the teachers. They may need a little gentle guidance to get lost in that creativity from time to time, but my kids just suck it up when I get involved too.
Today we did one of the ideas in the book that was about gratitude. Listing the letters in the alphabet, we sat around and thought of what we were thankful for that began with that letter. Homeschool mom, I am not!, but hey I can handle this. The 8 y.o. was cautious and skeptical. By about the letter F he was joining in on the fun. Some of their answers were silly, some sweet, some too crude to include but it was pretty cool. Then we took it one step further and each made pictures of the things on our list. Even little bit got involved working on her new love of drawing circles.
They scattered to the 4 winds when we were done, but for that 1/2 hour, a lot of creativity was found.
Now to finish the book for more ideas, inspiration and pause for a busy life with 3 kiddos!

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