
:over the weekend:

photo from Heather Ross blog
Happy Monday! We had an enormously busy weekend! My oldest turned 10 on Saturday, I can hardly believe it. He celebrated with going to the movies and we had 5 boys sleep over. It was fun and wild and "sleep" was not a big part of the night! And Sunday was a mother blessing for my good friend who is about to welcome her second little boy into the world. So wonderful to be a part of all these boy celebrations and have some mama time too!
And I spent just a few moments loving these new fabrics from Heather Ross. You can purchase them over at Spoonflower. They are so darn cute!
Hope your week is off to a great start!


Anonymous said...

I think it is so creative that she dove into this. Crazy the prices people are paying or asking for a FQ of fabric!

I'm always looking for the special project for the ones I have.

Beth said...

oh eep, 5 boys for a sleepover?!

Anonymous said...

hi liz! what movie did your son go see with his friends? we are trying to figure that one out for my son's 13th! he wants to see the lightning thief but i haven't seen it yet, so we don't know yet. hmmmm.

the HR fabrics look fab!

liz @ longview builders said...

we did go see the Lightening Thief. He has read all the books in the series and really loved them. All the boys said it was "awesome!". My husband went with them and said it was appropriate, there were a couple things that were a little old for them . I went online and checked one of the parenting movie review sites first too. I think it is much in the line of a Harry Potter.and I am sure they will make a dozen more of them!It is hard for me to realize that he is indeed getting older, I had suggested some G movies and got a big eye roll!